Sunday, April 29, 2007

Blog Review

Rapidly approaching assessment, It is time to do the 500 word review of my blog, and what I have been doing on it. I have been quite happy to find that Flickr is a great place to host my photos (previously I was using village photos, which until recently had a very small amount of storage space) and is one hell of allot easier to manage and access than your standard browser favourites tab.

Now why is this blog interesting? Well, more or less its a hub for me, where I put links to my other works ( like my DA site ) examples of my current works ( like my comic I am working on ) and funny stories about what happens when special effects experiments go wrong, like what happened to Ormo...

I am finding Flickr to be a good way to share photos that is saving me having to burn multiple copies of CDs. Its also turning out to be a good place to host all my other photos, like concept art and misc drawings that are unsuitable for my Deviantart page. Online storage space should never be shunned! Another surprise is that people see and comment on photos that you had only just put up. Its nice to know that someone other than yourself can see them.

I have joined the MPI104 network, and through that I came across Matt's Animators Guild which I also joined, being in a joining kind of mood.

As for my, its been very helpful keeping track of all my online research for my essay. As before mentioned it is easier to manage bookmarks using than firefox, and even seamlessly integrates itself into the browser.

Other than the posts, you can probably see that I have started to really customise the blog itself. Hit counter, links etc. As soon as I work out more HTML I want to make my own template with pictures and such. It'd be nice.

On with the world!

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