Friday, April 27, 2007


PAGE ONE, originally uploaded by seraquin.

Demi- Blindside...

A comic based on the exploits of Seraquin, a character from the Demi-verse whom I named my DA site after.

This is page one, draft 2. Feel free to critique and comment.

You dont have to read the backstory to get the comic, but yeah, I included it for those so inclined.

Four hundred years ago a massive war raged between humanity and their creations, the Demi Sarconis and their cousins, the Demi Toranis.

After years of bitter conflict, the exodus of the Demi Toranis and defeat after crushing defeat the Human empire was finally brought to heel by the Sarconis warlord, Demi Akara.

Having destroyed or disabled all of Earth's defenses, the Warlord took it upon herself to burn the planet to cinders. The entire surface was wiped clean of life, and so it was that the Empire collapsed into Anarchy, having lost its head of state, and Earth, the one unifying link between the planets.

Anarchy raged for three hundred years, ending only with the foundation of the Federation out of the five strongest houses. The war was finally over, and it seemed that the past could finally be left to lie.

But in places there are ghosts of the past that refuse to die, and for some the conflict continues still, from all those years ago...

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